Rumi Quotes (Inspiration Quotes)

Rumi Quotes

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

No one looks back and regrets leaving this world. What’s regretted is how real we thought it was.

The inspiration you seek is already within you . Be silent and listen.

If in the darkness of ignorance, you don’t recognize a person’s true nature, look to see whom he has chosen for his leader

You’re at peace when don’t need more or less, when you don’t need to be a king or a saint.
With life as short as a half taken breath,
Don't plant anything but Love.

Everybody Gets Sad Sometimes,
But the Lovers Soul
Keeps a Tender Smile!

Your Own Essence Is Your Wealth

Love Is Compass of The God's Secrets.

Sadness to me is the happiest time, When a shining city rises from the ruins of my drunken mind. Those times when I'm silent and still as the earth, The thunder of my roar is heard across the universe.
Say the meaning without the alphabet
If you can.
Say it without words,
so the heart Can take over the conversation.

I once had a thousand desires. But in my one desire to know you all else melted away.

Seeing You Heals Me.

If every tip of every hair on me could speak, I still couldn't say my full Gratitude.

A candle doesn't lose its light, by enlightening another candle.
Rumi Quotes

I don't want gifts from you. I want you to be ready for the gifts I give.

Your Essence Is Gold Hidden In Dust.

My Heart is burning with Love
All can see this Flame
My heart is pulsing with passion
like waves on an ocean
My friends have become strangers
and I’m surrounded by enemies
But I am free as the wind
no longer hurt by those who reproach me
I’m at home wherever I am
And in the room of lovers
I can see with closed eyes
the beauty that dances
Behind the veils
intoxicated with love
I too dance the rhythm
of this moving world
I have lost my senses
in my world of lovers.


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