DutyFreeZone.Com Launches of Worldwide Concierge Service
DutyFreeZone.Com Launches of Worldwide Concierge Service
DutyFreeZone.com, a web based retail and customer service system that helps visitors to search for deals worldwide, has launched its worldwide concierge service.
The concierge service will assist consumers worldwide with a variety of life management tasks, arranging travel itineraries as well as handling more localized services such as recommending a different route to work based on road or travel conditions, finance (paying bills), shopping (meal planning, remembering special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries and purchasing gifts) and fitness (exercise monitoring and motivation, as a personal trainer may do).
DutyFreeZone.com would appoint a personal assistant (personal concierge) to do any task one may require whether personal or professional, said DutyFreeZone in a statement issued today in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the United States.
"Our concierge service is going to revolutionize the e-commerce industry and generate online business, and in-store traffic for small to medium storeowners.
"We challenge and invite Retail storeowners to upload their products on DutyFreeZone.com at no cost to them. DutyFreeZone.com will display the selected products and sell them to consumers using our proprietary marketing technology," commented Angel David, Vice President of Operations at Duty Free Zone Inc in the same statement.
DutyFreeZone.com, a web based retail and customer service system that helps visitors to search for deals worldwide, has launched its worldwide concierge service.
The concierge service will assist consumers worldwide with a variety of life management tasks, arranging travel itineraries as well as handling more localized services such as recommending a different route to work based on road or travel conditions, finance (paying bills), shopping (meal planning, remembering special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries and purchasing gifts) and fitness (exercise monitoring and motivation, as a personal trainer may do).
DutyFreeZone.com would appoint a personal assistant (personal concierge) to do any task one may require whether personal or professional, said DutyFreeZone in a statement issued today in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the United States.
"Our concierge service is going to revolutionize the e-commerce industry and generate online business, and in-store traffic for small to medium storeowners.
"We challenge and invite Retail storeowners to upload their products on DutyFreeZone.com at no cost to them. DutyFreeZone.com will display the selected products and sell them to consumers using our proprietary marketing technology," commented Angel David, Vice President of Operations at Duty Free Zone Inc in the same statement.

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